JavaScript: Step 9- DOM manipulation and events

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DOM (Document Object Model) is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the page so that programs can change the document structure, style, and content. JavaScript can access and modify the DOM of a page using the Document object.

DOM Manipulation:

DOM manipulation involves creating, modifying, and deleting HTML elements on a web page dynamically using JavaScript. This is similar to working with collections and objects in core Java.

  • Core Java Comparison: Think of the DOM as a data structure like a HashMap in core Java, where you can dynamically add, modify, or remove entries. Just as you might use methods like put() and remove() with a HashMap, you use JavaScript methods to manipulate the DOM.

Example Program:

Adding a new element to the DOM:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>DOM Manipulation</title>
        function addElement() {
            var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
            var newContent = document.createTextNode("Hello, World!");
    <button onclick="addElement()">Add Element</button>


Events are user interactions or system notifications that occur on a web page, such as clicks, key presses, or page loading. JavaScript can listen to and respond to these events using event handlers.

  • Core Java Comparison: Handling events in JavaScript is like using event listeners in core Java, such as implementing ActionListener for a button click. Instead of registering an action listener on a button in a GUI, you use event listeners to handle actions in the web environment.

Example Programs:

Responding to a click event:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        function handleClick() {
            alert("Button clicked!");
    <button onclick="handleClick()">Click me</button>

Responding to a key press event:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
            if (event.key === "Enter") {
                alert("Enter key pressed!");
    <p>Press the Enter key.</p>

To run these programs in Visual Studio Code, save them with a .html extension and open them in a web browser. Alternatively, you can install the Live Server extension in Visual Studio Code and run them using the Live Server feature.

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