Play Store Application link β Java to Dart in 10 Steps – App on Google Play
1. Introduction to Dart
- Overview of Dart
- What is Dart?
- History and Evolution
- Dart vs. Java
- Syntax Differences
- Language Features Comparison
- Setting Up Dart Development Environment
- Installing Dart SDK
- Setting up IDEs (VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA)
2. Dart Basics
- Language Syntax
- Basic Syntax and Structure
- Data Types and Variables
- Operators and Expressions
- Control Structures
- If-Else Statements
- Switch Statements
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Functions
- Defining Functions
- Function Parameters and Return Types
- Anonymous Functions and Arrow Functions
3. Object-Oriented Programming in Dart
- Classes and Objects
- Defining Classes
- Creating Objects
- Inheritance
- Extending Classes
- Overriding Methods
- Polymorphism
- Method Overloading and Overriding
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Encapsulation
- Getters and Setters
- Private and Public Members
4. Collections and Generics
- Lists
- Creating and Manipulating Lists
- List Methods and Properties
- Sets
- Creating and Using Sets
- Set Methods and Properties
- Maps
- Creating and Using Maps
- Map Methods and Properties
- Generics
- Generic Classes and Functions
- Constraints on Generics
5. Asynchronous Programming
- Future and Async/Await
- Understanding Future and FutureBuilder
- Async and Await Keywords
- Streams
- Creating and Using Streams
- Stream Methods (listen, transform, etc.)
6. Error Handling
- Exception Handling
- Try-Catch Blocks
- Throwing Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
7. Dart Libraries and Packages
- Using Dart Packages
- Adding Dependencies with pubspec.yaml
- Importing and Using Packages
- Popular Dart Libraries
- http for HTTP requests
- path for file and directory operations
8. Advanced Dart Features
- Mixins
- Understanding Mixins
- Using Mixins in Dart
- Extension Methods
- Defining Extension Methods
- Using Extensions on Existing Classes
9. Testing in Dart
- Unit Testing
- Writing Unit Tests
- Using the test Package
- Integration Testing
- Testing Dart Code
- Using the Dart Test Framework
10. Deployment and Configuration
- Building Dart Apps
- Compiling Dart Code
- Building for Different Platforms
- Configuring Dart Applications
- Managing Configuration Files
- Environment-Specific Configurations